Ultimate Indoor Championships

Over the last two weekends, we had our Ultimate Indoor Opens & Girls Championships at Bruce Pulman Arena. It was an awesome day out with 32 teams participating which was an increase from 28 teams in 2023. Huge thanks to Auckland Ultimate who ran the event. Another special mention to Pakuranga College who won both Opens and Girls Spirit of the Game awards! Results can be found here: Opens: Results Girls: Results

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Senior Kilikiti Tournament

On Wednesday 10th April, we ran our Senior Kilikiti Tournament at Ngati Otara Park. We had 18 teams participate across 4 grades which was great to see as this tournament was last run in 2020. A tournament filled with laughter, music, great sportsmanship, and island food. A huge thank you to CLM and our Kilikiti community who supported us on the day. It was definitely a tournament to remember. Girls & Boys Championship Grade Results can be found here  Photos can be found here 

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Tennis Champions of Champions Tournament

We ran our annual Champions of Champions Tournament over a course of two days at Mertons Road Tennis Centre, where our top ranked players across Auckland played some quality Tennis. It was great to see the emerging talent and competitiveness these players showcased over this tournament. Thank you to Auckland Tennis and Tennis NZ for your support. A special shout out to St Cuthbert’s and King’s College for taking out 1st equal for the Girls Combined Points Shield, along with Westlake Boys taking out the Boys Shield. Results can be…

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