College Sport Auckland coordinates sport for 107 secondary schools in the Greater Auckland area and works directly with the sports departments of these schools. Therefore, if you are a coach, manager, parent, or student we ask that in the first instance, you direct any queries to your school’s sports department. With 44 sport codes, approximately 200 sport coordinators, and over 100,000 students you will appreciate it is not feasible for our limited staff to handle queries from coaches, managers, parents, and students. Thank you in advance for adhering to our contact policy.
If you are from a business or sporting organisation wishing to be involved with College Sport Auckland please email or call College Sport CEO, Jim Lonergan.
Phone: 09 845 8496
Postal address: PO Box 67088, Mount Eden, Auckland 1349
Physical address: 14 Normanby Road, Mount Eden, Auckland 1024