Futsal Girls Festival

On Friday 20th of September we held our Futsal Girls Festival in partnership with Northern Region Football (NRF).

Festivals are designed to introduce new participants to the game and breed an environment to create a lifelong relationship with the sport.

We had max capacity of 24 teams across 18 schools and it was a great day to start our first event of Futsal at College Sport for 2024.

The highlight of the day was watching females engage in a sport they had not participated in before and having fun. We hope that you will continue to play in the competitions coming up shortly.

In term 4 we introduce our Zonal Competitions starting the first week back of term 4 being Central, South, West and North.

A massive thank you to the team at NRF who provided the venue, referees and equipment for the teams. We would not be able to deliver such high quality events without your continued support.

Photos can be found here